In Major Blow to Trump, Prominent Republican Endorses Biden
All non-MAGA Republicans must endorse Joe
Former Georgia Lieutenant Governor and lifelong Republican Geoff Duncan endorsed President Biden over Trump today.
Duncan wrote he is voting for a “decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass.”
“Trump fanned the flames of unfounded conspiracy theories that led to the horrific events of Jan. 6, 2021. He refuses to admit he lost the last election and has hinted he might do so again after the next one,” Duncan said.
One can surmise that Duncan sees a conviction coming in Trump’s future, and he’s trying to get ahead of that. Regardless, this is a very big deal and it’s terrible news for the Trump campaign.
Every non-MAGA Republican should follow suit and endorse Joe Biden for President. They have used Trump to cloak their crimes and hypocrisy for the last 8 years, but that clearly isn’t working so well anymore.
Many Trumpers are already in prison or headed there, and the former guy might even end up behind bars himself. This is not a game or a joke that they can cover up with another scandal. Trump is in court, and in a month or two he could be convicted of numerous felonies.
No matter who you are, it is nearly impossible to win an election when you’re a maniac convicted of serious crimes.
So Republicans, it’s time you choose decency over disaster. Our democracy over dictatorship. Truth over lies. And yes, good over evil. Publicly endorse Joe Biden now, and let’s leave Trump in our rearview mirrors for eternity.
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We need every Republican who is saying they would never vote for Trump to take that one tiptoe further and endorse Biden.
These Republicans who go out of their way to make Trump seem like the antichrist but then do the “whatabouts” with Biden are the worst.
Swallow your pride and think about what’s at stake.
We need Bush to endorse Biden to push TX BLUE!!!