Despite over 6 months of delays caused by Traitor Trump and MAGA Republicans, the House resoundingly passed an aid package for Ukraine, with over 72% voting in favor of the legislation Saturday.
President Biden had been pushing to secure this round of funding since last year. All Democrats who were present voted yes, while less than half of Republicans supported the measure.
Trump and his House minions fiercely opposed the legislation, which will appropriate more than $60 billion to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia.
In recent months, Trump said he would let Russia “do whatever the hell they want” to our NATO allies, he told Hungary’s dictator he wouldn’t give a penny to Ukraine, and said we should pause Ukraine funding until federal agencies turned over evidence—that doesn’t exist—for the bogus GOP “investigation” into Biden.
Trump called in Marjorie Taylor Greene to try and stop the funding by threatening the Speaker’s job, but that failed miserably. Donald also brought Mike Johnson to Mar-a-Lago to try and win him over. That failed too.
The only thing Trump and his campaign succeeded at was in delaying the aid, which surely led to many innocent people being killed. I bet Putin was proud.
Only after receiving some terrifying government briefings did Mike Johnson realize that history would look at him horribly if he didn’t back aid for Ukraine.
Johnson should not be applauded for finally doing the right thing in this one instance. And nobody should be celebrating Putin’s Republican puppets in the House who spout Russian propaganda regularly but eventually voted for the aid. A lot of them only did so out of worry it could come back to haunt them at the polls.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad Johnson and some Republicans actually did something. But their delays cost lives, and that should cost them the House.
If Democrats were in charge, they would’ve passed this aid back in October. How many innocent people would that have saved? We will never know. But the answer isn’t zero.
Republicans have proven time and time again they are unwilling to govern or accomplish anything good for the American people and for our allies. This situation is no different.
Trump never wanted Ukraine aid to go through. He still wants Putin to succeed and Biden to fail.
The fact that Mike Johnson got it passed, despite enormous pressure from Trump, is some proof of the disgraced former guy's weakened stature within his own party.
But this is not a turning point for Republicans. Trump is still in the driver’s seat running the MAGA cult. They will continue working for Donald and they will never work for the American people. We can be certain of that. Which is why Democrats must take back the House this November. Along with holding the Senate, the White House and winning elections all the way down the ballot.
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The truly saddest part of this ugly chapter in world history - Trump’s political career - are the lives around the world, and in the US, that have been lost due to his evilness and bungling incompetence. Can’t wait to see him convicted and locked away for what remains of his miserable life.
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