Let’s start off with the fact that Justice Alito needs to resign immediately. It’s reported Alito was flying an upside down flag outside his house after January 6th. He responded by blaming his wife.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Alito and Thomas made our Supreme Court an abomination.
They take straight up bribes from people who they are hearing cases from, go on lavish trips with them and have absolutely no accountability whatsoever.
The Supreme Court needs term limits. And a code of ethics that is stricter than any position in the United States. We need to expand the court. We need to overhaul everything.
No lifetime appointments. No bribes from billionaires. And they should be held to the highest standard, not the lowest.
SCOTUS does not represent a majority of Americans. The Dobbs decision showed that clearly.
Clarence Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh—I had to include him as well—they all need to go. Their corruption is unmatched. It’s pathetic. And it’s horrible.
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Do you think Alito and Thomas should resign? Add your comment:
Absolutely. It is time to clean up the court. I am for impeaching justices who lied to get the job.
Every member of the Corrupt Six must resign!