We’ve been talking a lot lately about corporate media and the threat that they pose to American society. The Press spins the truth and puts out pro-Trump propaganda to appease their corporate overlords and sponsors. And the damage that they do to our democracy can’t be overstated.
But there’s another threat that we haven’t talked about until recently—Russian interference in our elections. Yesterday, the DOJ brought this right back to the forefront, unveiling charges and sanctions against Kremlin-backed operatives.
The indictment outlines a widespread campaign to interfere in the 2024 presidential election, where US conservative influencers were paid by a Russian-backed company while churning out pro-Putin propaganda.
Revelations like these give me no joy, though they do vindicate over eight years of my reporting on Trump’s ties to Russia. And they remind us of what we’re really up against.
I am proud to say I’ve been one of the biggest thorns in Trump’s side since he came down that gross escalator. For that, I have faced countless threats over the years from unhinged MAGA cult members.
In October of 2016 my report on Trump’s Russian ties, which includes decades of dealings involving tens of millions of dollars, was delivered to elected officials and news orgs. I also revealed my findings on MSNBC.
Right around then is when Donald started yelling “no collusion,” and calling it all fake news. Trump was of course lying. And this DoJ announcement yesterday reiterates the fact that there are Americans peddling dangerous nonsense for gobs of money.
I have had times in my life where I had to go into hiding due to threats, especially when I was investigating Trump while he was in the White House. Whether the MAGA influencers knew it was Russian money or not, the lies they have been pushing put mine and countless others' lives in danger.
That’s why from now until the election, in addition to our fight against corporate media, we are going to put a spotlight on any propaganda being spread on social media as well.
Unlike these conservative influencers, we don’t have foreign governments funding our work, nor would we ever accept it. We’re not beholden to any sponsors and we don’t have any corporate overlords.
Our work is made possible by paid subscribers who appreciate our work, which is absolutely dominating Donald on social media. Our hashtag campaigns are generating billions of impressions and topping the trends. Even these big shady money influencers can’t get the reach we have. Not even close.
This is what you’re supporting when you sign up as a paid subscriber—independent journalism and real actions, making a true difference.
Join us today to fight back against corporate media and the Russian propaganda machine, and help elect Kamala Harris. You’ll also unlock exclusive member benefits like our weekly briefings via live chat. Click below to become a paid subscriber:
We aren’t afraid of Trump or Putin or any of these thugs. In November, a vote for Harris is a vote for democracy, and a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin and fascism. It’s on us to make sure everyone knows that.
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Remember Trump always shouting Russia Russia Russia to both disparage investigations and to deny wrongdoing? Well, it has always been Russia Russia Russia and continues to be.
I think this latest development against Kremlin-backed operatives is just the tip of the iceberg. The DOJ needs to use all if its investigative might to show direct and unquestionable links from Putin to Trump and those who are seeking to profit from these links. Our nation is full of sell-outs that have very limited vision of the future.