John McCain’s Son Endorses Kamala, Blasts Trump for Arlington PR Stunt
A big blow to Donald's campaign
Yesterday 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain, son of former Senator John McCain, endorsed Kamala Harris for President. McCain said he also changed his party registration to Democrat and will be voting for Harris.
“These men and women that are laying in the ground there have no choice,” McCain said, calling Trump’s use of buried soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery as political props a “violation.”
“I feel that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz embody a group of people that will help make this country better, that will take us forward.”
Yesterday was also the anniversary of when Trump’s “suckers and losers” comments about US troops was revealed. Let’s not forget Trump said John McCain was a “loser,” and attacked him for once being a prisoner of war.
Jimmy said he could never “overlook” this fact, and we shouldn’t either.
We are sick of Trump attacking our troops, and the Press downplaying it every time he does.
But, what are we going to do about it? Today we’re gonna launch an enormous campaign like we did with #TrumpDishonorsUS, which trended #1 in America and had over a billion impressions.
It will be another hard hit on Trump for his anti-US military garbage and make it clear, once again, that Trump is the sucker, Trump is the loser. We won’t release our plan just yet, that way it can’t be manipulated by trolls. But I will update this post shortly, and share a note on Substack before we get started.
Our work is absolutely dominating Donald on social media. Corporate media even incorporates our messaging into their headlines.
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Update: Due to the tragic school shooting in Georgia we are going to delay this action until tomorrow. We’ll keep you posted. Instead, right now we are using #GunReformNow
Call Donald out all day, every day, at a constant, until the great big orange tyrant is defeated once and for all!