For a very brief moment, coverage of Day 1 from the Democratic Convention was up to par—complete with live reporting of the facts and stunning visuals.
Then, overnight, coverage of the evening shifted to a much darker narrative. The Press began to stir up imagined controversies, skewed the facts, and attempted to sow division. All to appease their corporate overlords and further the mainstream media’s pro-Trump agenda.
The NY Times continued pushing Trump’s unhinged lie that Kamala Harris’s nomination is somehow a coup, and printed a headline calling Biden’s legendary oration “The Speech President Biden Never Wanted to Give.”
CNN spun their own web of lies to suggest that Democrats intentionally pushed Biden’s speech out of prime time, when in reality the delay was caused by longer speeches and the crowd’s numerous standing ovations.
USA Today ran a ridiculous “story” asking, “Why are there so many empty seats at the DNC?” Showing clips from the very start of the evening, they failed to mention in the headline it was eventually a packed house. So once again, they’re being disingenuous.
The NY Post ran more garbage with titles attacking what they called Biden’s “mangled words.” The Wall Street Journal focused on baseless criticisms of Kamala’s game-changing plan to fight price-gouging, followed by reporting on the Convention.
And then there was this terrible Fox “News” headline: “President Biden goes off script and throws a lifeline to terror supporters during the DNC speech.”
So here’s a few facts we need to put out there: the speech was amazing, the protestors were far away, and there were no “terror-supporters.” There were a lot of protesters at the Republican convention, but of course Fox “News” would never cover that fairly.
These, and so many more hit pieces that came out, are nothing but opinion masked as news. Instead of covering any of the stellar speeches from a rockstar cast and the constant massive crowd energy, we saw the Press use this as an opportunity to land one more low blow on Biden. And it’s nothing but pathetic malpractice.
As we enter day 2 of the Democratic Convention, I fully expect to see a lot more trash coming from the Press. But we won’t let them get away with it.
Last night we ran our #ThankYouJoe campaign which trended top 5 in the US during and after Biden’s speech, garnering more than 500 million impressions. Today we will continue to go on the offense, to get ahead of mainstream media’s pro-MAGA messaging.
Over the last three weeks our work has trended at the top of social media networks with billions of impressions. We’ve even successfully pressured news outlets to update their headlines and not cover Donald live.
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This is malpractice. Anyone who watched last night would know - Democrats are going to win in November by a landslide!
It’s so easy to see who the Press is rooting for. Which makes no sense to me because they’ve let Trump absolutely destroy their credibility.