Today some news outlets reported that Trump and Musk had a friendly chat last night that suffered from tech problems on Twitter/X. A few criticized it as a long ramble by Trump with softball questions by Musk, and some even posted fact checks of the “interview.”
Trump once again lied about crowd sizes, claiming 59 million more people tuned in than actually did. He said the Time Magazine drawing of Kamala Harris looked like Melania, and boasted that he would flee to Venezuela if he loses the election. Donald even scoffed at workers who went on strike for bad working conditions.
But that’s not the whole story. This was more than just lies or ranting and raving from Donald. Yes, Trump is a pathological liar. And we’re glad some in the mainstream media are calling him out for it, but we are dealing with something much more serious here.
So we’ll say what the Press won’t: this whole episode is more proof of Trump’s obvious cognitive decline.
Donald mumbled and slurred his words, and couldn’t piece a single cohesive thought together. Trump is constantly confusing faces, names, and places. He’s having trouble pronouncing words, and doesn’t seem to know where he is most of the time. It’s evident the felon is slipping further into his own delusional web of lies, now more than ever.
And the fact that he believes the lies he tells makes him extremely dangerous.
This behavior is not normal, and it shouldn’t be reported that way.
Mainstream media incessantly attacked President Biden’s cognitive abilities, and now it needs to be Trump’s turn under the microscope.
It’s on us to call out the mainstream media for failing to do their jobs. They need to stop reporting on Donald like he is a normal candidate who occasionally bends the truth. This is clearly the complete cognitive decline of a monster who should not be running a lawnmower, let alone the country.
We’ll be working nonstop to call out individual news outlets, and you can do the same. Share this message everywhere you can, write to editors and journalists, call news orgs, and use this post to reply to anyone on social media who is downplaying the truth.
Last week we dominated trends on social media almost every single day, and garnered more than 1.9 billion impressions for our campaigns. This week we are pressuring mainstream media to cover Trump’s cognitive decline and we’ll also be pushing hard to elect Kamala Harris.
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The double standard with the “reporting” on President Biden is just damning.
Yes Trump is a pathological liar. But he’s also a deranged narcissist and a sociopath suffering from cognitive decline. And that’s way more dangerous than the press makes it out to be.