Right after Kamala’s amazing Convention speech, I was watching multiple mainstream media channels to see what nonsense they would try to spin. CNN’s lead story caught my eye, a panel of 8 supposedly undecided voters who were sharing their reactions.
Six of the panelists said the Convention address convinced them to vote for Kamala Harris. The eighth panelist said that he was voting for Trump.
Something about this story just didn’t sit right with me. And now I know why.
This weekend, my friends at MeidasTouch dropped a bombshell report revealing that one of the supposed undecided panelists was in fact already a Trump supporter.
The panelist now claims that he told CNN multiple times that he was a Trump supporter, and says they still insisted on including him in the segment. In fact, as MeidasTouch reported, just a brief look at the panelist’s social media history would prove they were never an undecided voter in the first place.
This is part of a broader problem with the Press, wherein it’s become increasingly difficult for us to trust what they are reporting. And then, we are left with a litany of uncomfortable questions that we just can’t expect them to answer honestly.
Did they just not do their research? Or is there a more sinister motive behind these omissions and errors? Why are they insisting on creating pro-Trump narratives, even when there are none? Did someone at the network insist the reporter find an “undecided” (wink) voter to undermine Kamala’s momentum?
I reached out to my friend Brett Meiselas, Co-Founder of MeidasTouch, and he told me: “CNN’s decision to feature a Trump supporter as an ‘undecided’ voter during the DNC's biggest moment is more than just journalistic malpractice—it's an alarming sign of how far corporate media will go to manipulate narratives.”
I absolutely agree.
“When the stakes are this high, how can we trust their coverage, polls, or interviews,” Brett asked. “But there's hope: independent media like ours is rising, powered by truth and guided by pro-democracy values.”
That's why we do what we do, along with MeidasTouch and others, to hold the Press accountable and call them out for their pro-Trump spin. And that’s why we are demanding answers from CNN, who has yet to respond to these alarming claims.
We will be sharing this article with millions of people on every major social media platform. You can help us out by doing the same. Tag CNN, reply to reporters with our post, and push them for answers.
Our pressure campaigns are working. Not only is CNN changing their headlines, our work is dominating the trends on social media. And you better believe the Press is taking notice.
This is what you are supporting when you sign up as a paid subscriber—independent journalism and real actions, making a true difference. Join us today to help us hold the Press accountable, call out mainstream media’s lies, and fight to elect Kamala Harris. You’ll also unlock exclusive member benefits. Click below to become a paid subscriber today:
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NEW: CNN responds with this weird excuse-filled argument, owning up to none of it: "When building the panel of voters who haven't decided on a candidate, all participants made it clear that they indeed hadn't made a final determination. This particular individual, who said he had supported Donald Trump in the past, expressed to us that after President Biden dropped out of the race, his mind became open, and he hadn't make a final decision on a candidate." That typo at the end is theirs not mine. But point is, they did respond. Now we need them to own it and apologize.
Disgusting. CNN is the new Fox. 🤦♀️🤦♀️ I firmly believe the media is slowly evaporating. It's crap like this that proves it.