Let’s face it: we can no longer call the majority of major news orgs “mainstream.” Their bogus headlines, fear-mongering, and pro-Trump propaganda peddling has wreaked absolute havoc on our society, and I’m sick of it.
From now on, we will refer to them as “corporate media.”
The word “mainstream” is defined as the dominant ideas, attitudes, and values in our society. But nothing about the major news outlets is “mainstream” anymore. They are all owned by a handful of rich people and run by boards that pander only to the wealthy and powerful.
It’s clear that corporate media can’t be trusted as the standard bearers of journalism. They have failed us miserably since the moment Trump stumbled down that tacky escalator–covering MAGA lies as if it’s the truth, undermining Democrats, and letting Donald wiggle out of easy questions.
We have been looking for a way to call the Press out for their many failures and this is one great way to do it. We will be sharing this article with millions of people on every major social media platform, and you can help us out by doing the same. Tag news orgs, reply to reporters with our post, and let them know they are no longer considered “mainstream” media.
Our pressure campaigns are working. Corporate media outlets are responding to our demands, changing their headlines, and our work is dominating the trends on social media.
This is what you are supporting when you sign up as a paid subscriber—independent journalism and real actions, making a true difference.
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Corporate Media — is the perfect moniker!
Might as well call them trump media. Everything he’s done is normalized. They refuse to ask the questions that should be asked.