Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Trump is unfit for Office.

Trump is going to prison.

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I agree on both points!

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I wish this was true but the orange thing is never going to see the inside of a cell 🤬

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Some folks said he’d never be impeached, charged, arrested etc. just saying 😁👍 but I understand where you’re coming from

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Feb 20Liked by Scott Dworkin

Say he does though... will the jumpsuit be orange? Will he insist on having his name on it instead of a number? Will they let him wear the gold shoes? Will he get access to styling to maintain the hair? Will he adjust his makeup down a notch so as not to clash with the suit? He certainly will have his pick of lovers!! I just love thinking about it. Pray it happens, and soon.

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I pray for him every night… to leave the planet

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That’s sad but I have found myself thinking how great the whole world would be without his divisive ways in it!

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Actually, his current makeup will match his jumpsuit perfectly—he will be one Orange blob-bitch (the latter “b” word the name for the designated recipient of sex in prison). His “hairstyling” with be a lesser problem, even though he has a stylist spending literally an hour on it every morning now, at no small cost, since Melania’s hairstyling alone costs $180K a year (imagine what she could do with that $$ for the children her lovely husband separated from their families at the border, many permanently, and to whom she was referring when she so compassionately wrote on the back of her olive green battle jacket:”I don’t care, do you?”). He will have to remove that fantastic hairpiece stuck on the top of his head with gorilla glue (or whatever glue stylists use) sticking out stiffly so far out over his forehead like some weird platinum-blond baseball cap bill, revealing—wait for it—a bald pate!!! (Of course he’s bald! Video’s of him in his 30’s show him with dirty blond hair—not the yellow/platinum blond of his hair piece and hair now—softly and naturally swept slightly just a bit over his forehead, not hair sticking out so stiffly and bloody far over and literally shading his forehead! And now he’s 40 years older! We will have to ask noted American presidential scholar Michael Beschloss if ANY other US “President”—he never was my president, as he lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016 to Hillary, the utterly anachronistic Electoral College being the ONLY reason he EVER became president—has EVER gone to these incredible lengths to hide his age (though he’s been unable to hide his sagging turkey neck, quite revealing of his age, thus far. That would take time out to have surgery). Doubt it. No other president was an actor on The Apprentice for so many years, so well versed in makeup and hairstyling. What a fricken foney he is! Thank the The Apprentice, the Electoral College, and now the fricken uneducated brainwashed masses that now adoringly form Cult 45, just like they did for Adolph in the ‘30’s, for where that fricken foney is now, an actual presidential candidate AGAIN, against a man with 50 years of public SERVICE. OMG, please save the country and the whole world from this phony Putin-puppet Orange Dictator Wannabe. Go Joe! Keep blasting the ball out of the park, like you did on November 7th !!! Go Joe, go Joe!!! Save this precious democracy, save the world, you can do it!!!

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Feb 15Liked by Scott Dworkin

Already booked for the first of many criminal trials! Election interference in 2016, trying to keep Stormy a secret! Not cool.He would never have won electoral college and he did lose the popular vote!

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Feb 19Liked by Scott Dworkin

We need to get rid of the electoral college!

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He's like some vampire or zombie who just won't die!

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Justice delayed is justice denied.

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Mike, that is truth!

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The biggest problem as I see it is Trump’s followers. They blindly believe everything he says and it seems they would defend him to their death. He truly is a cult leader and I don’t know what it would take to drop the scales from his follower’s eyes.

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It’s called disinformation and he learned it well from Putin.

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Would prison include him wearing an ankle bracelet and home confinement?

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Feb 25Liked by Scott Dworkin

Melania Knuass is no longer supporting him which is great.

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Mar 9Liked by Scott Dworkin

That’s because he called her “Mercedes” (instead of Melania).

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Wishful thinking, dude. You and I will both be going underground when that guy takes over.

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Canada or England? 😂

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Might hide out in Hungary. I hear flights to Leningrad are plentiful, and Hungary is just down the block, right? Next to Sioux City.

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portugal ...

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( . ) ‼️

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Trump is the biggest loser ever. How any intelligent, sane person can support him is beyond my understanding!

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I’m with you. No idea. But they need to stop.

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Intelligent, sane people do not support Trump; it’s the others, the cult of the euphoria addicted misinformed hordes that turn up from everywhere for rallies away from their home states. Wearing absurd paraphernalia to identify themselves as part of a community they so desperately need to feel supports their ignorance and misunderstanding, egged on by the clickbait money 💰 driven media without scruples or truth.

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So so true Judith!

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Feb 15Liked by Scott Dworkin

Them, and the fat cats who benefit from the tax structure

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Yes, those as well.

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Mar 9Liked by Scott Dworkin

Perpetual victims led by The Victim King.

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Feb 26Liked by Scott Dworkin

They have selective memory about how good things were under his administration.

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Ask for specific examples, they’ll likely have none

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There you go! You’ve hit the problem on the nail: intelligent and sane people do not support Trump.

Other Problem: We’ve got too many of the kind that will /do support him.

And why are there so many? Where were they when I was growing up? (Other than the few that did not want fluoride in their water. Who would not want better teeth? And there was one Catholic family complaining about the new birth control pills and they had rows of bunk beds for their 10 kids.)

Frankly, my first and only awareness of a voter being really “out there” was a junior high teacher in 1964 with a twerpy black bow tie, buzz cut, and a white short sleeve shirt extolling the virtues of Goldwater. Everyone made fun of him or told him in various polite or other ways to STFU or just stared and of course we would: too many of our parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles had numbers on their arms or had lost relatives in the Holocaust or were black doctors and lawyers. Too many were Vets and had fought the Nazi ‘s. For the most part our neighborhoods were Lyndon Johnson people.

And then all of a sudden it seemed that jn high school in 1968 with it’s sweeping in of other neighborhoods the Nixon people started showing up, but still, not too many of them. (But even then, those people did not seem totally irrational or insane or despicable and evil or not from another planet because Nixon, after all, had been Eisenhower s VP.)

But then we had “the race riots” with tanks and tear gas in close by neighborhoods and racism really started to show in every day life to me because there were complaints about the Black Panthers and “Muhammed Speaks” being handed out in the neighborhoods around my high school and some neighbors even wanting “the schvartzes” to “go back”.

And then in college and grad school and law school I became aware that there was something even more just wrong with some people because they were objecting to “Women’s Lib” or in the early 70’s about the Vets back from Vietnam complaining that the Government had lied about Cambodia and the War and that Kissinger and Nixon were lying and Watergate was revealing how many evil people were around.

(And in my circles of late teenagers and 20-22 year olds, we became aware how many people really did not support Israel itself and that there were kids our age that hated Jews or Israel defending itself or wanting Civil Rights laws to succeed and did not want black kids bussed in to schools, and complained about women bejng admitted to law schools.

(And at the University of Florida there were still, in 1970, bathroom doors and water fountains marked “Colored” and “White”. But at least all of a sudden, it seemed, in 1973 at UF there were abortion rights.)

And THEN in the mid-70’s to later 70’s there were Reagan people, even classmates, EVERYWHERE and at some point, Fox News in addition to CNN, and I became aware that I REALLY hated some people my age even more than I had the Anti-Semites and Anti-Blacks and I knew there’d never be an ERA ratified.

I could go on with my personal chronology of becoming only too aware of “US” v. “them”, but now I am in despair and I hate so many, hate too many and fear that maybe I, too, should get a gun, learn to shoot because there are crazy Trump supporters wanting to go after people like me because I dared to be terrified by people like them trying to take over the Capitol and keep Trump in office.

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

So THAT's the reason Trump moved all those White House documents to Mar a Lago, and kept many of them in his bathroom: he was GOVERNING from there, as far as he knew! See, it all makes sense!

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Lololollllll Ruth Anne this comment made my day 😂

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

And believes he's still governing--from his imaginary office on the top floor of Truth Social--issuing policy statements, authoritarian promises of vengeance, opinions on legislation and bizarre commentary. Between answering felony charges in various courts. Piece of work.

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I’m so over his BS. But I think the world knows that by now and joins me in that pain 😂

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Hope you're right! I'm concerned about those who insist that, "when elected," he serve despite conviction, from prison. Maybe there're just a few of those, practicing drawing swastikas.

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Feb 16Liked by Scott Dworkin

That's not going to happen. Under any circumstance. Letting that moronic grifter near the public or any source of revenue is insane!

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Feb 16Liked by Scott Dworkin

Thanks, needed that! Reminds me that rational, critical thinkers are the majority of Americans and of voters. May he be convicted early and often.

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Like your comment Marueen. Let Trump be convicted early and often! Perfect.

He's a rapacious fraudster so being convicted often should be a snap.

Like "snap goes the trap!"

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

Sad to say. How can this actually be OKAY with so many potential voters?

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They literally do not notice it. Their ears perk up only when he says Migrant or Invasion or Mexican or Muslim. That's it completely.

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It's chillingly like Hitler's rise in Europe, but with technology.

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P.T. Barnum said it best, "there's a sucker born every minute." That is, if he said it. Questionable source.

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Feb 25Liked by Scott Dworkin

He is running a shadow presidency. He’s commenting on bills and decisions that he will never understand.

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And they act like he is still President too. Still refer to him as that. It’s bizarro bonkers world

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Feb 25Liked by Scott Dworkin

Exactly right.

Note to self: look up when Trump's slavish minions, the "Freedom" Caucus, are up for reelection.

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After hearing what they said at CPAC , scary bunch of weirdos, especially Bannon, who worked for the Russians and Elon is also doing crazy stuff and seems to support the USSR, do not trust him, allowing crazy revolution stuff on X and Russian disinformation against our President.

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The thing is this snake oil salesman has taken control of the Republican Party and the Supreme Court . It would be funny if it wasn’t so scary how backwards this country is going now . Please make sure all your sane friends and family go out and vote

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Couldn't have said it better--totally agree! (We're having a big early-voting turnout in purple Georgia; hope it's the same in all remaining states.) And wasn't the SOTU fantastic!

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When Fred trump got Alzheimers, Trump’s family actually made Fred an office in his own home to look like the one at his business to keep him away from his real office. Maybe an Oval Office lookalike in prison would do the trick for Donny boy.

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Feb 25Liked by Scott Dworkin

Yes! Hilarious!

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Respectfully, not “hilarious” but terrifying.

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

He is a flaming rage aholic. We must put him out of our misery.

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Could you turn this into a letter or piece for the NYT or WAPO? The coverage they give Trump rarely sites these problems -- but they sure highlight ANY misstep by Biden

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I’ll look into doing something!

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

Yes please!

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

You would do it so well.

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

My favorite happened very recently, he said he saw a man ‘shoplifting a refrigerator’. This is obviously a lie. How did he know the man didn’t work for the store and was delivering the refrigerator? Also, no one could carry a refrigerator without a hand truck or dolly.

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It was me. I was carrying it with one hand 😂

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

Skipping and tossing it in the air!

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I knew that was you!

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💪 😂

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin


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How can we impress trump's followers with this spot on info. Millions and millions of us know and appreciate these facts. How do we get his followers to THINK?

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Thanks Marcia! All ideas on this are welcome. I will never stop trying to deprogram his cult members. And I still am trying!

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The cult members are beyond help and would imbibe the kool aide ala Jim Jones before admitting failure. It’s the up and coming voters and previously uninvolved that we must acquire to gain the momentum to stop Trump. Swing voters, independents, all other categories but you are delusional (not an insult) if you think you can change a MAGA vote. I have lost my entire family to the “movement” who listened 24/7/365 to Fox News for their indoctrination for years. I have no contact with any of them and that will never change. How many divided forever families have you known? It is heartbreaking but now they are dead to me while I fight for my country, warts and all.

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

I’m so sorry. I too have only one normal sister, the rest of my immediate family is beyond hope.

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You’re not alone, Judith. Sadly, lots of families are in the same situation.

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Thanks to billionaire racists like Murdoch. He’s been killing America for 40? Years.

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Lost friends over him. They fell for his violent rhetoric hook line and sinker.

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Well said!

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You’re not alone, Judith. Sadly, lots of families are in the same situation.

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I know you are! I pray 🙏🏼 we can find ways to succeed.

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Feb 20Liked by Scott Dworkin

Deprogrammed is key, repeating something constantly is how they get them, it’s called brainwashing. That’s how cults work.

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Feb 19Liked by Scott Dworkin

Their all drinking the KoolAde!

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

They believe they ARE thinking! My theory is that they view thinking about governance as an unnecessary burden. They want a shepherd, a daddy, a savior they trust to do best by them. Democracy is work. It requires staying informed, reaching realistic conclusions and speaking up for them to all who can enact them. So glad actual thinkers, like you, are the vast majority.

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Feb 26Liked by Scott Dworkin

Videos that hook his followers into thinking they’re going to watch something positive about their hero, but that really are “gotchas” about him. I’m going looking for articles and videos about life in totalitarian countries to post. I shut down one friend who’s a huge NRA fan by asking him to look up whether authoritative regimes would allow private individuals to keep their arsenals. Just one “what if…” a day, like the one from the guy in Texas spouting secession for the state who then asked if he would still get his social security checks. Bring it home, chip away with one reality at a time.

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Feb 26Liked by Scott Dworkin

Chipping away--I love that idea. We can count on his followers to express their top "reason" for adoring him: "foreigners," "LGBTQ+," "economy," "safety," whatever. Having a simple What-If for whichever issue they cite can, I think, at least sow a seed of doubt or at best, prompt them to question his other claims.

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All they remember is their 401k’s were rising What they don’t know is that was going to end in two years! They blame Biden for it going down! Women need to step up to the plate and vote to keep government out of their vagina’s!

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….and women are 52% of the electorate! Women are organizing.

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You’re hoping for a miracle at this point. His followers don’t think. They follow whatever Dear Leader says.

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That’s a great question Marcia! His followers will not listen! They either argue or walk away. They are Trumps followers and will defend him to the end. INCREDIBLE!

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

How many times do we have to see this rambling, tangential, sweaty, snorting creature with obvious frontal lobe dysfunction and the vocabulary of a 6 year old before someone, anyone admits him to a psychiatric facility? I’m no doctor, but when you see a person with blue eyes and pupils the size of hockey pucks, something is terribly amiss!

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Frightening to imagine what he would do in office if this is how he acts as a candidate.

As has been said, the image of America reflects the character of its President. How could we allow Trump to represent the "best of America" to the world?

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He represents “The Ugly American”

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Every single Republican needs to read and ABSORB this article. Do they ever wonder how they got to this point in time? Dump the MoFo and get to work!

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Well said!

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

Here’s another trump mental blunder.

He said at a rally that during the Revolutionary War the colonists took over the airports from the British. 😂

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Trump botched our response to Covid-19, made idiotic suggestions about how people might

treat it (swallow bleach amongst others), lost a costly trade war with China, and enabled the Taliban. He is a loose cannon and our most dangerous security risk. He is mentally incompetent.

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Feb 20Liked by Scott Dworkin

If he wins {which is doubtful} you don’t ever have to worry about voting again! He’ll never relinquished power Dictator wannabe He’ll surround himself with loyalists who’ll do his bidding! January 6th was just practice!

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

How this man has such a hold on the Republican Party is beyond comprehension. I just do not get how they can be so malleable and manipulated. It’s terrifying.

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Think back, to Hitler and the fear he instilled in his party and the people!!

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Feb 13Liked by Scott Dworkin

Yes. I thought we had learned from history. I was sorely mistaken.

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Thank you, Mr. Dworkin for this update on muddle-brained Trump. I shared it to Facebook. You are slowly but surely becoming one of my favorite pundits because you speak truth to power and I really admire that integrity.

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Thank you John! My friends call me Scott—so you can call me Scott! 😁👍

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Will do Scott! keep up the good work!!

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Thanks for all the support John!

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Mar 6Liked by Scott Dworkin

People were sayin' in 2016 that I was overreacting to Trump. Uh, no, my Norwegian family survived Hitler. I told everyone a year ago that dementia runs its own course and the downhill slide happens fast. I also worked as a consultant in healthcare and one of my clients was a Neurology practice. So, sure, tell me Dworkin is overreacting. He's the best, like Jeff Tiedrich.

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Thank you Linda! I am just trying to do my part in telling the truth. Unlike most of mainstream media.

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Feb 14Liked by Scott Dworkin

I can’t wait till that piece of shit goes to prison. The TREASONOUS bastard!

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