In January, 2017, I was in MSNBC’s DC studio with Joy Reid watching Sean Spicer when he lied about Trump's crowd size at inauguration. It was shocking, but also truly pathetic.
When asked about the blatant lie, Kellyanne Conway blabbed that Spicer was just giving “alternative facts.” I called for her resignation on air that day, and said that their lies would eventually kill people. Republicans acted like I was being too harsh. But sadly, I was right.
Now, Trump is moving his event indoors. Not just because he’s a big baby, but because he’s also worried about having a small crowd size again.
I worked on the 2009 Inaugural Committee for Obama’s first inauguration, so I learned a lot about truly enormous crowds, and freezing cold weather.
The day itself was a lot to take on. After working a 20-hour day, I woke up at 4 am in my tiny shoebox of an apartment. I put on my cheap but freshly-pressed suit. It was freezing, with a wind chill in the mid-teens.
One of my roles was to serve as a liaison for Obama’s special guests throughout their entire trip. In the rush of unloading and ushering everyone into the actual inauguration, I left my winter coat on the bus. Once they were seated, I ran back to the bus as fast as I could—missing part of the President’s speech.
What I saw was incredible. The crowd was enormous, and went on as far as the eye could see. Stretching from the Capitol to beyond the Washington Monument, the visuals and the speech itself made for an amazing moment. In comparison, Trump’s first inauguration had a crowd about a third of that size.
So when I heard about Donald’s last-minute venue change, I immediately called him out on it, saying: “Trump’s moving inauguration inside because it’s too cold for the big baby. Also, he didn’t want the visuals of another small crowd. Pathetic.”
The statement went viral, and it was picked up by several corporate media outlets. Newsweek put my quote between Matt Gaetz and Kayleigh McEnany in their article. Two of some of the worst people in the world. But it shows our reach—and how what we say, and what we do—goes beyond Substack.
I know we’re in for a heck of a fight starting in 48 hours or so. But our Watchdog Coalition is ready to move full speed ahead. And we’ve been in this position before.
We were one of the first to start fighting Trump in early 2016, when we didn’t have millions of social media followers. We had nothing like the community we’ve built together here. And not nearly as many people took the orange maniac’s threats seriously.
Since the election, we’ve run one of the biggest contact Congress campaigns, sending more than 118,000 letters to Senators, urging them to oppose Trump’s horrible cabinet picks. Now it’s time for us to take this to the next level—it’s time for us to go all in, with everything we’ve got.
We’ll continue to work against Donald and his cult, and call out corporate media for sanewashing him at a constant. We’re prepared to do everything we can to fight back legally and peacefully, to stop Trump and his oligarchs from destroying our country.
But we need all the help we can get. All of our funding comes from our paid subscribers. We don’t have billionaires bossing us around, or sponsors telling us what to say.
We are independent, pro-democracy journalists who won’t ever kiss Trump’s ring, or back down to the threats we get on a daily basis.
So if you’re able, please become a paid subscriber today, and help us do more of this work—delivering some of the hardest-hitting content out there. You’ll also get access to new, exclusive content! Sign up here:
I imagine a time 4 years from Monday, where we’re all watching a Democrat get sworn in as President. After Dems take back the House and Senate in 2026, of course. And no matter how cold it is, those will be much warmer and brighter days.
Our job is going to be hard. But we’re not going to let this wannabe-dictator, ever become a real one.
Why do you think Trump moved the event inside? What do you imagine the next inauguration will look like? And also, how are you dealing with everything?
Join the Watchdog Coalition, and help us take on Trump's horrible cabinet nominees here:
Since the capital will be hell on earth Monday, and having to move the inauguration inside due to the frigid weather, isn’t that literally the meaning of hell freezing over?