Umm does anyone have the full list of Kennedy’s supporting Biden?

Here’s what I have:

Kerry Kennedy- sister of RFKJr

Rep. Joseph Kennedy II- brother of RFKjr

Rory Kennedy- sister of RFKjr

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend- sister of RFKjr

Joe Kennedy- nephew of RFKjr

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And Caroline, Patrick, Victoria, Jack Schlossberg I think the list is very long here's a pic! https://people.com/joe-biden-hosts-kennedy-family-minus-rfk-jr-at-white-house-for-st-patrick-s-day-8610455

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I saw this photo before and loved it. Joy and happiness radiate from the smiling faces. This has been a good day for positive energy.

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Thank you sir!

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You're welcome!

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In the spirit of families standing for what’s right, the Trump family stands fully behind President Biden!

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Is it ok if I share your link on Spoutible?

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Thanks. Yes.

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Bob, Bob who? Oh, you mean lowercase bob. There’s no room for him. Even the Kennedy family strongly endorses JOE BIDEN.

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oops bob

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I love this 😀 ❤️

JFK was the first President to enter my awareness. Would have Still been too young to vote for RFK. Loved him tho.

Biden/Harris 2024!!!

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Great to hear Andrea!

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Thanks Scott! I always enjoy your writing!

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Thanks so much!!

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Womp womp sorry Bob

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womp womp and another womp

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And George Bush? Will he put down his paintbrush and endorse Biden? He stood with Clinton and Obama and offered to help in anyway. I think it’s time President Bush!

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I think he absolutely should, Patti. Maybe late summer?

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Seeing the Kennedys today United together has given me renewed Hope.

Their message makes it crystal clear that WE the PEOPLE are the ONLY people that CAN and WILL DEFEAT the MAGA Criminal Defendant Donald Trump

Not the justice system

Not the GOP

And surely not the 6 Ultra Orange SCOTUS


That we ALL come out iN



VOTE TSUNAMI BLUE🔹️🔷️🔹️🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🔹️🔷️🔹️


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I loved and mourned Robert Kennedy, Sr. He would already have stepped out of a campaign that could throw votes to an anti-democratic sociopath. He would not tolerate such a thing as even a possibility for his country. To use one of his own descriptors, it’s “unacceptable.”

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Thank you for sharing Carol!

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As a deeply loyal family, this can't have been easy for the Kennedys. Yet, true to their heritage, they placed principle and love of country foremost. May RFK's dilute son follow suit and bow out.

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I agree. He should just drop out.

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If Bob plays his cards right, perhaps he, too, can face serious charges someday and have not a single family member demonstrate an iota of support!

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I remember finding my mother crying when RFK died. She was very active in civil rights. She took us to the train tracks in Tullytown, PA to watch his casket on its way to down to DC. It is seered into my memory the sadness on the ride home to NJ.

Two months later my mother was also gone and that is indelible in my memories of her and her beliefs.

RFK Jr isn’t at all who his father was

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Thank you so much for sharing this. I am sorry for your loss. I appreciate you sharing your story.

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Vote Blue without exceptions! Democracy Over Fascism! Our Military have fought and died for our Democracy, honor them and Vote Biden/Harris!! VOTE BLUE, for me and for you! 💙💙💙💙

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Agreed Nancy!

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Who can blame the Kennedy family for reaching out to the public, to make it clear they don't want their illustrious name associated with the pap Bob is trying to foist onto America.

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Agreed Maryk!

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It says a lot when your own family hates you and won't vote for you.....

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Vote Straight Blue to save our Freedoms and Democracy. RFK Jr is purposely trying to hurt President Biden.

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Absolutely. I agree Kali

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Vote Blue 💙 for me Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and any other Democratic candidates in my federal, state, county and local election. Heading to a fundraising event now!

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Scott i saw it live today I had goosebumps the whole time

I hope so much that the Nation has heard them. I know I did!

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Great to hear Janine!

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