No matter what way Putin’s useful idiots in the GOP want to spin it, Putin killed Navalny. It was a murder. A slow, tragic and methodical death.
This morning it was reported that long-time Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, 47, died in a Russian Arctic prison after collapsing suddenly during a brief walk. This comes nearly four years after he was poisoned, nearly killed, and imprisoned by Putin’s regime.
President Biden is right, Putin is a “murderous dictator” and a “pure thug.”
Yet, over and over again Trump and Republicans have given the green light for this sort of monstrous act. The GOP’s long history of enabling Putin has allowed for the brutal invasion of Ukraine and now the heinous murder of Navalny.
Even before President Biden was sworn into office, his Administration called for the freeing of Navalny, something Trump never did.
When Trump had a chance to speak up at a meeting with Putin in Helsinki for what we call the Treason Summit, he said nothing. But he sure made it a point to praise Putin countless times.
Some Republicans are disgracefully lying, like always, trying to compare the prosecutions of Trump to Navalny’s. It’s utter nonsense. Navalny was prosecuted without evidence of any real crimes ever taking place, poisoned, imprisoned and then brutally murdered. Trump, on the other hand, is being prosecuted for 91 felonies in 4 different jurisdictions for actual crimes, with extensive evidence.
America must stand in resounding condemnation of this senseless murder and send a clear message to Putin by immediately approving the funding needed to defeat him in Ukraine for good.
Putin is a murderous dictator that Trump looks up to and wants to emulate. And that should terrify everyone.
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Once again we all have that helpless feeling as the inevitable happens--Vladimir Putin finally murdered Alexei Navalny--and our grief turns to rage because here in America a supporter of Putin, an ex-president now running again, is a frontrunner in a contest that feels like insanity.
Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, half of Congress, and all of MAGA have no problem supporting a madman like Putin and the press can't bring themselves to make it an issue.
I don't know where we go from here if Navalny's murder doesn't become the catalyst for change. Putin is our enemy. Russia is our enemy. Any American who supports them is our enemy.
Not to mention all the people who died of Covid because of bad advice and because Trump threw away Obama's epidemic preparedness plan.