Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

I hope we don’t just beat Trump at the polls but annihilate him once and for all.

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"DOWN GOES MAGA, DOWN GOES MAGA, DOWN GOES MAGA" I want that to be my headline on election night lol

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I especially like your sentences:

"The choice this November could not be clearer. It’s the prosecutor—Kamala Harris—versus the felon—Donald Trump."

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Go Janet! Keep hitting the sore spot!

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. . . and the whole party he rode in on!

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Heck yea Susanna

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

When he says severely disabled people should just die because they cost us too much money, what's the logical next thought? Yeah, me, too.

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He's horrible Peggy

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A true Blue Tsunami all across the nation, all the way down the ballot and get rid of these damn state lawmakers who think 1864 was a great time to be a white slave holding woman degrading male.

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AND that will take work. Let's do it

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Ament to that,

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RemovedJul 27
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Actually, I want to see trump’s expression when he loses by a landslide! And if his domestic terrorists become violent again, there need to be orders to shoot this time. We cannot tolerate their terrorism and sedition.

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He'll start reframing the election as "rigged" the first minute voting starts, just the same as in 2020. He'll cling to this Next Big Lie come hell or high water and double down no matter what he is told. Thankfully, this time he isn't President and if he wants to start another insurrection or coup he can be treated just like any other common traitor or person who incites a riot.

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Biden can have him locked up and all of his insurrectionists since Biden will be immune from prosecution, it is for the good of the country.

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I think he's too kind-hearten to do it, though. I wouldn't be, that's for sure.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

What Trump means to say is, “If I’m elected, you won’t GET to vote anymore.”

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Spot on.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

‼️ 🎯🎯🎯 ‼️

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Dictators go in once and NEVER leave

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Believe him when he says if you vote for him in November, you won't ever have to vote again. He is being straight-forward about announcing himself a dictator for life. Understand he intends to never leave the White House if he's elected. @RuthBenGhiat has repeatedly warned us, and she has done so today. She's an expert in dictators—Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin. Her book "StrongMen" is excellent.

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Yes, he's being straightforward -- for him -- but let's not lose our minds over this. The guy is 78, he's not in the greatest shape, and we haven't seen any medical reports (or an explanation of the cut he got on his cheek in PA). So what does "dictator for life" mean? What's the succession plan?

Even in well-established dictatorships, the passing of a dictator is a dangerous time. The U.S. is a flawed democracy, but it's nowhere close to a well-established dictatorship. Trump's power is based largely on personal charisma. Will the MAGA hordes transfer their devotion to, say, JD Vance or Don Jr.? I doubt it -- and I bet the Project 2025 people know it too. That's why I'm keeping my eye on them while I listen to Trump's rants.

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BTW, look closely at the vid from his last evening's speech, and you'll see that his "bullet-pierced ear" has NO bandage of any sort, and the ear looks perfectly intact.

So what really happened at that rally when bullets were flying?

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Many inquiring minds would love to know! I wish respectable commentators would stop assuming that he was grazed, creased, or anything else by a bullet. Flying glass makes more sense, and I'm not sure of that either. We don't even know if the shooter was aiming at him.

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The loss of our government, Constitution, and democracy will not be restored once lost. That is what we are looking at should he be elected...if #45 is elected it will no longer be what the people want or who they want to lead- that decision will not be ours to make. This is a serious issue - Hitler came to power slowly...and we all know how that ended. #45 emulates dictators-- that is his goal...to be one of them. Project 2025 is a manifesto created by not just the Heritage Foundation, but by people who served in #45's administration as well. #VoteHarris and #VoteBlue.

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Vance. He’s 39 and a born again Catholic so he’s an ideal successor.

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And crazy as a loon.

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An "ideal successor" with minimal government experience, and who barely carried Ohio when he ran for the Senate? We must have different definitions of "ideal."

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He wants to die knowing he destroyed this country and kept himself out of prison. He doesn't care what happens afterwards. Meanwhile, Christian Nationalists will carry on his tradition and insert whoever they want. Project 2025 is a very dangerous book/movement, and don't put it past those people to keep it going.

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Keeping himself out of prison -- check. Doesn't care what happens afterwards -- check. "Knowing he destroyed this country" seems a bit of a stretch but only because I'm not sure he thinks that far ahead. To me the scariest thing about Project 2025 is that they're being so blatant about it, as if they believe they can't fail.

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I get that last part from him saying he will destroy his opposition. Overturning Roe vs. Wade with his SCOTUS picks. Thinking he's above the law. Doing any and everything to destroy policies that previous Presidents put in place. He doesn't care if this Democratic Republic goes away, and I'm sure he's being told this by higher-ups of The Heritage Foundation. A wanna be dictator who studies dictators? Yeah, he knows what will happen. He's a madman like Hitler, but dumber.

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"Like Hitler, but dumber" -- yes. Does he have any real beliefs of his own? I doubt it. He swings whatever way gets him the approval of the strongmen. He doesn't have a democratic bone in his body.

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Glad to see you yelling about this, Scott, along with me and Lucian Truscott IV at our substacks last night.

And of course the MSM has tried their best in their coverage of this event to downplay this - the important part - with the "story" that "Trump tries new strategies."

They won't let themselves see it right in front of them.

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It is utterly absurd that this is a candidate for any office

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

Nor do they seem to appreciate what will happen to them if he succeeds. What price the first amendment then?

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Yes, there will be no more Constitution if he wins. He'll insert the Christian Nationalist replacement of all that. He plans on destroying all of this Democratic Republic.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

I hope those so called Christians are paying attention Vote this time b/c you won’t have to Vote anymore not verbatim but he basically plans to kill democracy

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And they are cheering!!!!!

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It's been suggested that he's signaling to the white evangelicals that the Rapture will follow his election so secular government will no longer exist. I'm not sure what he means, and I'm not sure he knows what he means, but it's pretty damn scary.

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Well if they all go in the rapture and leave us normal people, I'm cool. They are just so weird.

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It would be ideal actually! 😄 Good riddance…now let’s protect planet earth

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Very weird, but as I understand it (and I'm not at all sure I do), only the Christian believers are saved and the rest of us cease to exist.

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And they all cheered him when he said it last night.

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They won’t care. They will have (what they think) they want.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

Trump - the original "be careful what you wish for."

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

The Prosecutor vs The Criminal… and I hope that’s how they continue to frame it. Not just Trump but the whole rotten GOP has got to go. We don’t want to have to keep fighting for our democracy every 4 years. And that seems to be the plan, no doubt to make any other progress impossible. Just keep people riled up and on edge, the GOP “platform” in a nutshell 😡

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

Because it needs to be close in order for him to seize power through the electors by causing chaos and doubt.

Once he succeeds there will be no more free and fair elections again.

We will have sham elections like they do in Russia.

I've been posting that this is the last American election for some time if he succeeds.

I suppose it was viewed as too unbelievable for people to take seriously but that's what happens to Democracies when Facism takes them over.

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Even if it’s a blowout, team dump will contest the results, and once that gets before this Supreme Court, it is game over. The shameless six WILL rule in his favor. Don’t believe me? You need look no further than the immunity ruling to know that they too are completely unhinged, and will twist logic six ways to Sunday and beyond, and will make up any legal “theory” they have to in order to install their benefactor.

Besides expanding the Supreme Court, which almost certainly won’t happen in time, what are we doing to stop this?

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P.S. Obviously, I am not saying to give up. A blowout for vice President Harris will be a very good start. Who knows? Maybe two of the shameless six will grow spines, and will have sufficient personal security to save them from whatever “accidents“ Trump has in store for them if they cross him. Maybe Ivanka or some other MAGAT will talk him into waiting 4 years and trying again.

But we can’t bet on those things. We need to expand the Supreme Court by four seats yesterday, and we need to have another plan ready.

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They're targeting the swing state electors. I'm the wrong person to ask exactly what is being done but Mark Elias would be a good person to ask this question to.

I will also ask Ezra. ( Indivisible) I've already talked to the office of my secretary of state here in NM. I don't know which state you're in but try calling yours

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

Donald is most dangerous when he’s desperate.

And apparently, the filter has completely fallen off!

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Yes — now he’s shouting out loud what used to be “the quiet parts.” Let’s make sure the upcoming “very close” election is in fact a blowout for democracy!

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

The GOP has been doing everything they can to make it a real chore to have to vote. Now that it's a chore, you would like to not have to do it anymore, right? In that same speech he actually said he wasn't a Christian but he wanted his Christians to vote for him. Real Christians will vote for VP Harris. Real Christians want to take care of people in need rather than to accumulate more wealth than they can ever spend.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

He’s running for president? He ought to be in a mental institution!! Go Kamala go.

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I vote for Pelican Bay Super Max Prison…

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With each and every utterance, this man shows those who will look that he is a complete and utter moron.

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I'd say he is a tool, but he's not a complete fool. That's why he is so dangerous.

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He’s both. All, bluster and bullying and flattery gets you far with him. He’s a clown, dangerous, but still a clown.

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All Putin & the Saudis had to do is say, You’re so loved and respected! And Diaper stain Donny will believe it hook, line & sinker.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin


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We shouldn’t have to warn people. He is warning them. What do you say to someone who wants this?

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We say, Wake up? This should horrify everyone

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I am very vocal. My Beltone hearing aid tech doesn’t believe Trump committed sexual misdeeds. When I talked about them she said I don’t believe you. Her son is doing missionary work in Uganda. She said she didn’t know anyone who would vote for Kamala. I said that is because you live in Oklahoma.

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Check out the blue dot Oklahoma group! There are more of us than you think!

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Where do you find this group?

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Maybe we say the Devil is in these details?

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At 0:17 he says, "I'm not Christian." Did they hear that? Did they ignore that? Often his truth slips in. He's a fraud. https://x.com/i/status/1817007890496102490

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I heard that to Ami!

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I replayed that part a bunch; he is maybe saying "I'm a Christian" ?? Just a sort of not clear word right there..whether it's "I'm not" or "I'm a ".....Either way....terrifying what he is saying.

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He shakes his head, no as he accidentally proclaims his truth. Watch his body language.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

I agree - with the terrifying bit too.

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I agree that it sounds like he could have stumbled over his words. I can hear "I'm n'a Christian"...? So, Freudian slip, cognitive slip…?

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Wow... shouldn't this freaking matter? What's he gonna claim… That he's Jewish, because Jesus was a Jew before the resurrection? What ELSE is he setting up here?

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He's said in the past that he won't or can't share Bible verses. A narcissist only values himself. Turning one's life over to anyone/thing else is impossible. He's not a Christian, Jew, Buddhist . . . he's a nothing pretending to be what gets votes. Snake oil is selling well.

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Yes, I know he's never able to reference the Bible legitimately or as a devotee. It's just a prop. But to actually say he's not a Christian? Doesn't that matter to these people?

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No, it doesn't matter. As long as he promises to push their agenda, they don't care what he is.

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Not sure that is what he said (or can be proved to have been what he said, more to the point.). I hear either “I am a Christian” or “I am not a Christian” but IMHO it’s too indistinct to tell.

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I agree! That is what I heard too..playing that part several times. Yes either way....

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Watch his body language. It supports "I'm not . . ."

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I think I've heard him say that before and I also heard him say he made a deal with Christian Nationalists. If they gave him a billion dollars, he would push their agenda. They made a deal with the devil ... on both sides.

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Jul 27Liked by Scott Dworkin

Needs to be a blow out win. But we can do it!!

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Deport Donald.

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I'm not wild about the idea of dumping our garbage on other countries, or in the oceans, or on the moon.

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Guantanamo has rooms avl!

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Is the ideal destination of his deportation on any map, though?

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He is appealing to the lazy, stupid side of people. Won't he be surprised to see how huge numbers come out to vote against this anti American, unpatriotic , unconstitutional rant!

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