Gym Jordan needs to be expelled too!

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Great article, Scott. Restacked!!

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Thank you so much!!!! As always, you rock!

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It is so good!!

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Jordan needs to be indicted (or as MTG would say, Indickted) for never responding to the subpoena for the J6 hearings. Jordon also needs to be further scrutinized about his knowledge of the molestation of his wrestlers at OSU. He knew.

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Yep, exactly 💯 on all.

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Feb 23
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A confusing event that we put a spotlight on very quickly. Grassley claimed it was only if Pence left the room for the bathroom or something. But we never believed his “correction.” I don’t believe a word he says—even about pigeons.


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You’re right. He’s been flying under the radar with this for awhile… we all saw the twXeet, ‘I’ll be handling things because Pence will not…’ This old coot was in on it and needs to be investigated too

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Sounds like kind of a routine task that wouldn’t be worth mentioning. Nobody asked, I’m sure. That’s just a guilty conscience talking, like on Bugs Bunny. “Cop: Where’s Rocky?” Bugs: He’s not in the oven.” Why bring up the oven, then? Chuck, why are you already thinking Pence might not be able to hold it long enough and might miss the important part of the process. “We can’t expect everyone would just wait for him to get back, can we?” Suspicious attention to detail if you ask me, Chuck. You sound nervous like you’re trying to throw people off track of the plan. Don’t mention the oven, or the bathroom break. Try to act natural.

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This sounds about right

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2021… ?

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Really? In what context? Was it on Social Media? Fox Interview?

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And Marjorie too. Everytime she opens of her mouth or spits a few lines on fascist musk media she relentlessly shows to the whole world that she is a damn liar and the epitome of stupidity.

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There is a boat load that need to go!

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Marjorie needs to be nailed for the pipe bombs.

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James Comer is a symptom of the cancer that is the Republican party. They all must be expelled from Congress. Every last one of them. Their desire to murder democracy and empower Trump is traitorous.

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Well said Jen. I wished we held our oligarchs I mean politicians to the highest standard, not the lowest.

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So with you, Scott. While they often quote the Founding Fathers, I suspect that their actions have the Founding Fathers rolling in their graves in horror. They are everything from which the Constitution was created to protect us. Thanks for being a truth teller in the midst of the flood of lies.

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I try my best Jen. Thanks for all you do and thanks for reading and commenting

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It’s interesting that when the American Nazi party formed in the 30’s, they often dressed as the founders or other patriots, trying to combine patriotism and fascism.

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Good ones Scott & Jen. The GOP has become dedicated to one principle-contort the Constitution and the law to whatever advances & favors their fascist movement's corrupt agenda. The 6 corrupt conservatives on the Supreme Court has become the Supreme Contortionists' wing. They are corporate extremists with a flare for religious extremism and bribes, just like the majority of the GOP in Congress & other institutions.

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Agreed. Just like McCarthy & Gowdy admitted they did to HRC! Neither one is in Congress now

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OMG Gowdy lol I remember that day he announced he was leaving-such a good riddance https://www.mediaite.com/online/twitter-reacts-with-scorn-to-gowdy-announcement-cant-investigate-benghazi-3821-more-times/

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Without question. Jordan and Comer Fudd both need to be investigated. I'm sick of all the do-nothings in the Republican party. Grade schoolers would do a better job.

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Absolutely. We are digging into both now. And I agree grade schoolers would do better and would also have a better temper, be more mature.

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Gym reminds me of the class troublemaker in elementary school. He has from the beginning. Brings back memories of grade school & junior high. He's not the only one who does, but he does more than any other member of Congress I've ever known. Boebert, MTG, Cawthorn & Gaetz are some others who have never grown up, just keep acting like pubescent kids. Of course, with a "role model" like Trump, what can you expect?

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We've got to do something to stop the grade school decisions handed down by the Supreme Court, as well.

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Every Republican lie seems to point back to Russia.

We’re ridin with Biden and they’re rootin for Putin. It’s a real shame.

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All so they can make a highlight reel. Deplorable was putting it nicely.

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"We’re ridin' with Biden and they’re rootin' for Putin."

Excellent way of putting it!

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These horrible partisan, party-over-country members have no shame hence they won't resign. Many should have been expelled for aiding and abetting the attempt to accept fake elector slates on Jan. 6. They believe that any "means" are justified by their "ends." And their "ends" are to sustain minority rule. They want to implement or maintain policies opposed by the majority of Americans (thwarting gun control, banning abortion, attacking Social Security, cutting taxes for the rich and corporations) through gerrymandering, populating federal courts with partisans, the fillibuster, and propaganda.

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Well said! I am still gonna push for him to resign. I know the odds are against it, but right is right! Thanks for your comment Cameron

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Keep up the good fight!

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How about push Congress to expel him? By their part in the Capitol Insurrection & attempt to overturn the 2020 election, Jordan, Gaetz, MTG, Boebert, Biggs, Tuberville & many other Republicans have already committed seditious crimes that should've automatically triggered their expulsion

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what are the democrat members saying? are they pushing for his resignation?

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Some are beginning to

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And what do you want to bet nothing will happen? How many of these POP (Party of Putin) traitors who participated in January 6 are still in office? Only if Comer and Jordan prove to be too much of an embarrassment or liability will anything happen, the POP is immune to shame as they’ve shown over and over.

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I am not sure. You'd be surprised once we dug in, how many Members of Congress have left the building. We have to at least try. Thanks for posting Susan!

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How can we help?

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We are putting together an action page for folks to use and share now!

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Outstanding! This "folk" is on board lol!

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Yep, at last count it was 23 Republicans resigning from the House, I believe, but most of the worst ones remain to plague us again & again.

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Republicans don’t give a crap about democracy or fairness or justice or freedom. Who votes for the republicans who act like the federal government is a horrible middle school student council?

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Well said--but maybe middle school student councils have more of a sense of order lol

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Same can be said for Gymmie Jordan.

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One of the truly sad parts is that these guys actually seem not to think what they’re doing is wrong (criminal, let’s be truthful). Anything to further the cause of the Trumpster Dumpster is deemed a legitimate and honorable course of action. It’s especially galling that they do it under a guise of some weird righteousness.

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It really is Carol-I think the word is, cringe. And in my opinion their fake righteousness is actually corruption, masked by their empty foul words.

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Why aren't these people held accountable for the massive waste of taxpayer dollars for these baseless fishing expeditions? Reprehensible.

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Let's take it from their salaries!

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Talking about wasting taxpayer dollars makes it sound bad. In reality they are wasting public dollars. Federal tax dollars don’t fund anything, they are deleted.

Every dollar the federal government spends is a new dollar issued for the purpose.

State & local governments spend tax dollars since they are users of the dollar the same as you and me. The federal government is the issuer of dollars so every expenditure is newly issued dollars.

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Comer and accomplices shouldn't even have a parking place at the Capitol, much less a seat. They will remain in place as long as they represent constituencies motivated by the same malicious lack of character, in addition to Congressional colleagues lacking the courage to defy them.

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I agree. They are treated like heroes by their lackeys.

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Comer and Jordan don't need to resign—they need to be INVESTIGATED. By a credible source, like a Special Prosecutor picked by Nancy Pelosi—no, Better! Special Prosecutor Hillary Rodham Clinton! 🤣 😈

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Hunter should sue the GOP for slander and Comer for being a moron...

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I agree with this statement. Get rid of Comer

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He did not honor his subpoena pertaining to January 6th GOP‘s disgusting assault on our capital. He has made other statements which I doubt, seriously doubt and can find no reason to state that they are true pertaining to other political situations. I personally have a hard time putting people down but I do like to tell the truth as I see it. There is nothing positive he has done that shows me that he has done for the United States. His statements always are divisive for our country.

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